zondag 8 mei 2016

'Nekromanteia' - a Ðivinorum sub-release

'Nekromanteia', DIV-7.2,   
is available as a free download exclusively on Secret Chants.

It consists of two tracks, a pdf photobook of new, unseen images, 
a pdf with photos of the physical edition and a text file with some release notes.

A physical edition of 1 (photo book plus cassette) is hidden somewhere in the world.
Clues as to its whereabouts are encoded within this digital version, 
as well as in other releases.

 The physical book has black aluminum pages.

The book is sealed with a wax scroll and quill stamp.


Encoded in this physical version is a clue to the location of previously hidden release DIV-4.6 - 'Death Magic', which has not yet been discovered ...

'Death Magic' info is here


Ð: of the ghosts ...

Part zine, part real world art performance, made of sounds and visions, 
Ðivinorum is an abstract narrative, employing its own occult language. 
The focus is on actual experiences summoned by and through handmade books 
and artifacts, and by more ephemeral materials, such as Time.

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