donderdag 21 april 2016

'The White People' - Ibrahim R. Ineke

A selection of details from the book 'The White People'

Ineke's drawings expand the idea of the 'comic' by incorporating elements of visual art and literature. The copying machine is as much a tool as the drawing pen, for instance. The way he presents his works in exhibitions, in bespoke arrangements or as an installation, adds to the view that a strict division between the world of art and the world of comic is not relevant.

According to his blog:
"Ibrahim R. Ineke (1976) is a draughtsman and curator, based in The Hague, the Netherlands. His drawings and publications utilize and deconstruct the narrative strategies and visual structures of the comic book medium, simultaneously asserting the autonomy and interdependence of the images. Through the exploration of the tropes and grammar of horror fiction, they make explicit the historical connection between the medium of static visual narrative and the 19th century Penny Dreadfuls, stating the case for comic books as the quintessentially Gothic art form."

link to Blog

'The White People' was published in 2015 by Sherpa, The Netherlands.
One can order a copy here

X  X  X  X

This presentation came into being in consultation between artist and blog.
Thanks Ibrahim!

vrijdag 15 april 2016

Small Cruel Party - Three 10" Records

`Small Cruel Party's work is focused on the inherent mysterious and beautiful quality of sound itself, with the emphasis on noninstrumental sound sources, the source itself not being readily apparent.`

1. A split: Small Cruel Party / Chop Shop - 'Scmaolpl -C-r-u-e-l- Psahrotpy'

Label: RRRecords - Catalog#: RRR 093
Released in 1995

"Note: A literal split 10" - the record is cut in half and in a 5" x 11" folder.

As each artist has one side of the original record, 
the idea is that you can recombine their two pieces 
by physically reassembling the vinyl record.
A small number of copies were left intact."
(source of the information and images: discogs)

In the download the intact version!

2. 'In Thicket'

Label: Sounds For Consciousness Rape - Catalog#: SFCR 10"001
Released: 1994


(image: discogs, and two from the blog 'no longer forgotten music')

3. 'Urgent Tube'

Label: Small Cruel Party - Catalog#: SCP-001
Released: 1991

Landy Side
David Side
"Side one recorded in the woods after midnight, 
side two recorded in a bicycle tunnel; different effects achieved by playing at different speeds.
Hand made [ ] paper sleeve with block-printing, custom drawn labels with photographs attached, includes an insert. clear vinyl record."
(source of the information and image: discogs)

X                                                X                                                 X                                                X

These 3 records are now available again as download 
after a period of silence that was caused by the removal of certain file store services.

The files of the records were kindly provided by the owner of the blog 'no longer forgotten music' Many thanks!

zondag 10 april 2016

BELCHKITCHEN - two series of collages


Collages of zeroxed, shredded , re- and decomposed images.
Choise for black and white in my work is about doing or not doing things, 
grey is a dispersed open zone.

Shredvertisements, collages of fotocopied, shredded advertisements, 
put together again randomly, but they keep screaming at you. 
Design survives destruction.



All material kindly provided by Belchkitchen - thanks!

donderdag 7 april 2016

AbrAhAdAbrA ritual by Salò Mentale

On 23 january 1986  a ritual for Abrahadabra's first year of existence,
was performed at cultural center Oktopus in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Salò Mentale constructed the soundtrack for this ritual.

AbrAhAdAbrA was a magazine released by Maldoror foundation, 
Den Haag, The Netherlands.

'Het Oordeel' - ´The Judgement´ - was a AbrAhAdAbrA special issue based on this ritual (also in the download).

This image by Anthony Blokdijk

listen to the Soundtrack on

 link to Salò Mentale's Bandcamppage


Thanks to Anthony Blokdijk of Stichting Maldoror / Salò Mentale,
for providing this material

Images from the booklet 'Het Oordeel' 

Flyer of the 1986 event

dinsdag 5 april 2016

Collages by Jacob DeRaadt

Twelve visual collages in two parts by Jacob DeRaadt (U.S.A.)


"Xerox and found detritus"

- the image in this post are details from the collages -

Thanks Jacob for sending the pdf's!

maandag 4 april 2016

Minamata After Dark - Untitled c30 tape

'The untitled tape' by Minamata After Dark

A C30 cassettetape, with in total 8 tracks.

 Released around 1987 by 'MAD PRODUCTION' as 'MAD 001', in an edition of approx 15.
A side
0:00 schessna
3:00 neo-negatif
5:50 regression
9:09 my head turns to dust

B side :
0:00 le spectre antiseptique de la chrolexidine
3:57 drums in the distance
6:35 mutisme eternel
9:45 redrum

Listen online to the tape here

Two different sources for the tracks on this tape.
Schessna and Le spectre antiseptique de la chlorexidine were recorded in one take
with a guitar and a drum, Little Quick being the drummer.

It was in France. The date is unknown, maybe 1985. No audience. 
Only 2 performers. 100% improvisation. Nothing was really planned.

Later, around 1986-1987 when the tape was made, 
a few sounds have been added using a dual cassette recorder.
So except for those 2 tracks, the tape is a solo project.
All the other tracks include only one guitar, used in different ways.
Different layers, added one by one using the same tape recorder.

The tape packaging were handmade using typewriter and xerox.
Each tape was packed in an amount of plaster.

It was the only tape from MAD PRODUCTION. No MAD002 has been made.

Minamata After Dark is still “active”, occasionally, 
and willing to participate in compilations and / or collaborations.

Links Minamata After Dark:

This presentation is a collaboration between Minamata After Dark
and r\a\w f\o\r\m\s, the curator of Secret Chants.
Many thanks Minamata After Dark!

Luciano Montemurro - four visual works

four visual works 

Luciano Montemurro 

Italy, 2015\2016

with kind permission by Luciano Montemurro, Many thanks!

zaterdag 2 april 2016

4 tracks by BiOP

4 tracks from the project 'MSD' - 'Multi Sound Dimensions' by Dutch visual artist and curator BiOP.

MSD is the name of all musical\sound acitivities of BiOP.

This was one of the projects of MSD, that lived shortly in the early 2000's, 
and used only fieldrecordings as source. These recordings were digitally reworked.
Some 7 tracks were completed this way.
The only goal of this project was to make music with other sources 
than electronic devices and instruments.
The project was abandoned because of lack of time.
Nothing of the material was released.

All photos by BiOP.


This presentation is a collaboration between artist BiOP and r\a\w f\o\r\m\s, curator of Secret Chants - thanks BiOP!