maandag 4 april 2016

Minamata After Dark - Untitled c30 tape

'The untitled tape' by Minamata After Dark

A C30 cassettetape, with in total 8 tracks.

 Released around 1987 by 'MAD PRODUCTION' as 'MAD 001', in an edition of approx 15.
A side
0:00 schessna
3:00 neo-negatif
5:50 regression
9:09 my head turns to dust

B side :
0:00 le spectre antiseptique de la chrolexidine
3:57 drums in the distance
6:35 mutisme eternel
9:45 redrum

Listen online to the tape here

Two different sources for the tracks on this tape.
Schessna and Le spectre antiseptique de la chlorexidine were recorded in one take
with a guitar and a drum, Little Quick being the drummer.

It was in France. The date is unknown, maybe 1985. No audience. 
Only 2 performers. 100% improvisation. Nothing was really planned.

Later, around 1986-1987 when the tape was made, 
a few sounds have been added using a dual cassette recorder.
So except for those 2 tracks, the tape is a solo project.
All the other tracks include only one guitar, used in different ways.
Different layers, added one by one using the same tape recorder.

The tape packaging were handmade using typewriter and xerox.
Each tape was packed in an amount of plaster.

It was the only tape from MAD PRODUCTION. No MAD002 has been made.

Minamata After Dark is still “active”, occasionally, 
and willing to participate in compilations and / or collaborations.

Links Minamata After Dark:

This presentation is a collaboration between Minamata After Dark
and r\a\w f\o\r\m\s, the curator of Secret Chants.
Many thanks Minamata After Dark!

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