zaterdag 2 april 2016

4 tracks by BiOP

4 tracks from the project 'MSD' - 'Multi Sound Dimensions' by Dutch visual artist and curator BiOP.

MSD is the name of all musical\sound acitivities of BiOP.

This was one of the projects of MSD, that lived shortly in the early 2000's, 
and used only fieldrecordings as source. These recordings were digitally reworked.
Some 7 tracks were completed this way.
The only goal of this project was to make music with other sources 
than electronic devices and instruments.
The project was abandoned because of lack of time.
Nothing of the material was released.

All photos by BiOP.


This presentation is a collaboration between artist BiOP and r\a\w f\o\r\m\s, curator of Secret Chants - thanks BiOP!

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